Love is Kind

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4 Murdock

Love is long-suffering, and is kind; . . .

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) spoke about “Love being Longsuffering”. In that teaching we discussed how all Christians need to be able to suffer the wrongs/immaturity and evilness of other people. We mentioned that God is longsuffering toward men, thus we must go and do likewise. In that teaching we pointed out that believers should be “kind” and patient while they are in the midst of their challenge to truly be considered longsuffering according to God’s Word. In today’s lesson we will venture a little further on the subject of “Kindness”. Although it is very beneficial to be “kind” to the person you are exercising longsuffering with it is just as important to “be kind” all the time. “Kindness” shows people the true nature of God. In the world today “kindness” is often over looked because many people think “kind hearted” people are foolish and soft (weak minded). However, as Christians, “kindness” ought to be our normal way of life and if we suffer persecution for being like God so be it. In Ephesians 4:32 we are admonished to “be kind” one to another, even tenderhearted. In Colossians 3:12 we are commanded to put on “kindness” and humbleness of mind. Therefore being “kind” is not just a suggestion but rather a requirement by God and His Holy Apostles. We often don’t think about “being kind” because the world system doesn’t know how to measure (handle) “kindness”. They have a very devilish viewpoint when someone shows them “kindness” and they can’t figure out why. I can remember a young man who really didn’t understand the ways of God trying to figure out why his Christian girlfriend was so “kind” to him. Most people of the world are used to people doing things for a reason they really don’t know how to relate to “pure kindness”. Think about it for a minute if the carnal mind is used to selfishness it will typically lean toward a negative interpretation of “kindness”. What we (ihlcc) mean by a negative interpretation of “kindness” is some will erroneously think the only reason you are “being kind” to me right now is to get something in return out of me later. Yes, people with evil hearts are usually inclined to the think evil, even when good deeds are done unto them in sincerity. Remember, the days when Jesus physically walked on the earth. It was often thought by wicked men that Jesus was wicked too. Just because they were evil hearted their wicked heart presumes so is everyone else. Thus, the Old Testament scripture (Proverbs 23:7) that states as a man thinks in his heart so is he is still true today. This is why we are not talking about acting kind for a moment during some event to make an outward show but rather “being kind” from the heart simply because you truly love people. Someone may ask, “Why should I be kind?” Good question and there are several reasons which we will point out three for starters. First “kindness” is of God. We could stop right there and be satisfied simply because we ought to be as God Is. Since the Lord Jesus and our Heavenly Father are very very “kind” to us, we must reciprocate this (God’s) “kindness” to others. Secondly, “kindness” brings people to God because “kindness” melts the hard-hearted when applied consistently over time. Yes, we mentioned earlier the unsaved don’t know how to handle the true “kindness of God” but they must recognize the good deeds done unto others. For example, even saints like Mother Teresa are internationally recognized for her acts (deeds) of “kindness”. If we can consistently show “kindness” to those who need it we will generally gain their respect in due season. Thus, the Lord Jesus is glorified through our witness of “kindness” to others. Thirdly, “kindness” takes sensitivity of heart. This is a key attribute of “kindness”. What we (ihlcc) mean by that statement is that true godly “kindness” is demonstrated when you ponder the current situation of another and sincerely propose (or present) a remedy. Isn’t this similar to the goodness of God that leads people unto repentance. Yes, of course, it is. We are not to practice acts of “kindness” that we think are “kind” but rather only perform demonstrations of “kindness” to bless the receiver. Remember love is always considering the other person first so if the receiver thinks your actions are “kind” you have hit the desired result. In God’s Salvation it is through the penetration of heart that people experience the piercing of soul to conform to the image and likeness of God born from the posture (position) of repentance. Sometimes people in the world try to be “kind” but then they also want public recognition for their good deed. This selfish ambition to seek honor from all parties involved diminishes any reward (credit) they would have gotten from God. Since worldly (carnal) minded people don’t know God’s Ways they blindly break the laws of God’s Word and expect great praise and acclamations from mere men. Please, dear faith friend, don’t be that carnal minded person. Know that the acts of “kindness” (good deeds) you do in private from your heart will be rewarded by God either publically in this earth or later on in Heaven. The key is “being kind” because it is right not to impress men or for selfish gratification. For sure “kindness” doesn’t pretend. True godly “kindness” is rooted in compassion that genuinely wants people to be happy and to do well in life. “Kindness” is so much more than a tender mother’s heart because it is the heart of God. On that thought let us purpose to “be kind” yes all believers included. Yes, every man, woman and child included whether boss or employee, white or black, family member or stranger kindness is calling out to you please embrace Him wholeheartedly so that you too can share Him with others in Jesus Name. Since “kindness” is the necessary fruit to minister to the hurting soul let us offering it freely to world so that all may truly see the sincere Love of God in Jesus Christ through the faithful fruits of your “kindness” unto others. Amen!